Online Children's Stories

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Panther Pride

Our Panther Pride board is getting filled up.  We almost have complete rows a couple of different ways.  The Panther Pride Club is a piece of our School Wide Positive Behavior Plan.  It is intended to create a positive social climate and reward students for making the right decisions.  Students who get a "Caught Caring" note from a teacher get to pick a number and hang their Caught Caring slip on that number.

When there are 12 names in a row, all students in that row will be recognized and awarded a Principal's Prize.  Prizes could be any of the following:  Pizza Party, First in Lunch Line pass, Ice Cream Party, Free Dance Pass, Free Sporting Events Pass, No Homework Pass, Opportunity to make Morning Announcements, etc.

We are looking for good prize ideas and anyone who would want to do make a prize donation would be greatly appreciated.

We should have our first prize winners by the end of the week.  I wonder what the mystery prize will be.


  1. This is the coolest thing ever!!

  2. i think that they shld be able to take a friend out with them and eat out with mr.ellis

  3. I'm up for that as long as someone pays for Mr. Ellis...
